Note: Two of our most used resources, The SALT Primer and Beyond ABC, are available as a downloadable pdf. You can also obtain a full-color printed text for a suggested donation of $10 per textbook to SALT (ask your Coordinator for details).
PDF Downloads:
SALT Primer
Beyond ABC
If you want to use a textbook with your student, check with your Coordinator to see what texts and resources might be available for free or at a reduced rate.
LifePrints (and other materials)
by New Readers Press
A well-respected and widely- used source for adult literacy materials – from the basics of literacy such as LifePrints, to citizenship, work literacy, and GED Preparation. New Reader's Press is one of the best publishers for adults learning to read for the first time.
abc English
by Jennifer Christenson
2014 CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
“abc English is a curriculum for adult English learners that teaches basic English communication and reading skills, starting from the abc sounds. abc English was created especially for adult refugees and immigrants who are not literate in their native languages.”
Visit their website to order inexpensive students’ books, alongside teacher activity books and supplemental readers.