Somali Language Learning

Join a Connet Class
SALT's language learning program builds relational connections as we learn Somali together through the Growing Participator Approach (more information below). Each Connect group is comprised of 4-6 language learners and a Somali language guide. Contact the SALT office to join a 15-week class. Access our lesson plans here: Connect Phase 1A lessons, Connect Phase 1B Part 1 lessons, Connect Phase 1B Part 2 lessons, and Connect Phase 2 lessons.
Growing Participator Approach (GPA)
Learn more about the GPA method, used by SALT, as well as many mission agencies, to learn new languages. This site will give you many resources for your language learning sessions. You will especially want to check out the Phase 1 Guide, which contains lesson plans for the first 100 hours (Phase 1) of language learning. SALT's Connect Curriculum is adapted from this guide.
SALT Primer
SALT's most widely-used textbook has lessons in both Somali and English, designed to be a group learning experience in both languages. Contact the SALT office to obtain one. Suggested donation of $10.
La Soco Af Somaliga: Student Book 1 - by Joy Carter and Doug Person
​This workbook is designed to be utilized in a beginner Somali language course. It contains unit and lesson plans as well as worksheets for practice (PDF Version). This workbook has been regularly utilized by Doug Person a Somali language course he facilitates. Access a wealth of course resources here, including worksheets, sound files, links to helpful Youtube videos, etc.