Access God’s Word in Somali in both written and audio form; visit the website or download the app.
Note: Audio is missing for: Isaiah 21-66; Jeremiah 11-52; and James. We will update here when we learn Word Project has made these improvements.
The Jesus Film App
This digital library contains over 200 full-length films, mini-series, and short videos in over 1600 languages, including Somali.
Multi-Language Media
One of the leading suppliers for North America of Scriptures and Christian literature in a wide variety of languages.
E-sword app
E-sword offers a free downloadable app of the Somali Bible (Modricker Somali Bible), with tools to partner it with other Bible translations.
Bible Gateway offers a host of online Bibles and Bible tools, including a Somali Bible translation.
Rock International
70 animated video stories in Somali (other languages available), giving the over-arching story of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. The material has over 700 verses woven throughout, put together to convey the central message of the gospel.
YouVersion is a Bible app which offers a mobile version of Soomaali: Kitaabda Quduuska Ah: the Bible in Somali.
A Bible app that allows you to “read – listen – see.” Offers the Somali Old Testament and New Testament. Note: offers a 2007 edition that has the both OT and NT text and the NT audio. The 2008 NT edition offers audio only.